Ruth's Knits


Catching Up

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! I feel like I've been neglecting my knitting blog. Partially because I have no FO's to present - so many WIPs to finish up! Here's what I've been up to:

1) Ruffles Scarf - Yes, I've jumped on the bandwagon. I actually just finished it last night, but it's for a friend and I can't post anything about it just yet, not til she gets her gift. I'll just say that Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran was heavenly to work with. =)

2) A cute felted bag - I've actually finished this nearly a month ago, but never got around to felting it. I'm terrible with finishing up projects (surprise surprise!). I swear, after I finish writing this post, I'm sending it straight to the washing machine to felt. I will I will I will!

3) My first sock - for the first time, I've turned heel and done gusset!! I was so proud of myself and took pictures. Of course, this was weeks ago, and completely forgot that I didn't download them onto my computer just yet, and last night I was cleaning up my camera and deleting what I thought was "old" pictures. And I accidentally erased (guess what) my sock progress! ARGH! I'm going to have to figure out how to retrieve those pictures (if it's possible).

4) I painted my nails a cool color last weekend, here's a picture.

5) Still doing the high school knitting club thing. I've learned quite a bit while figuring out how to teach. First things first: Don't be discouraged if not everyone finds knitting to be as enjoyable as you think it is. Lots of kids dropped out for various reasons. It was discouraging, but I'll shrug it off as a normal thing, not everyone has to connect with this particular craft. Right?

6) I'm taking a Mandarin class. The teacher has kicked it up a notch or two, so I'm studying like crazy now. I still have a desire to learn Japanese (with the main purposes of wanting to read those Japanese knitting magazines, mangas, and other cool Japanese things). I was told that Japanese is among the hardest languages to learn (everyone says that the grammar is absolutely confusing). So in the meantime, I have to gain some Japanese friends fast, so I can decifer some of this Japanese I've got here! =)

7) Church stuff - Ok so this year was actually a lull in volunteer activities, until we got back from our Asia trip. Then we were bombarded with a handful of opportunities. I've already declined several, and after some praying, we're pursuing a select few. Among them is a potential church plant and a start up small group for young couples. I love serving, but at the same time, I have to keep myself in check while I'm in it. I'm also still struggling with some insecurities with missions (it's a burden my husband and I have) but we'll save that for another time in my other blog.

Ok, signing off! Hopefully by the end of this week that felted bag will be done!! =P

Posted at 9:50 AM :: 8 Stitches

Stitch it to me!
